Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2010 Best PUA Award Winners – The Top 10 Best Pick Up Artists of 2010 are…

Johnny Wolf’s Personal PUA Blog » 2010 Best PUA Award Winners – The Top 10 Best Pick Up Artists of 2010 are… #header .spacer

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Frame Control – The Art of Verbal Jujitsu

How to Attract Women : Dating Tips: Organic Seduction - A PUA Blog How to Attract Women : Dating Tips: Organic Seduction – A PUA Blog

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Frame Control – The Art of Verbal Jujitsu

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Dating a Professional Cheerleader

First Encounter

So I'm out with my bro in law, well it's my sister's boyfriend but it's super long term, and we hit the bars on Friday night.  I'll shorten my usual lengthy intro and get to it.  I am just hanging out with him and not working girls but of course I end up talking to a professional sports team cheerleader.  I don't wanna say which team or too much because I know you sneaks will figure it out….

Her chubby glum roomate is super lame but she doesn't stop us from talking and doesn't even force my bro to talk to her.  She lets him sneak off to call my sister.  So I chat to this girl for like an hour or so and she seems awesome.  We start talking about Orbital.  Now if a girl knows about Orbital I instantly like her.  Of course if her body is tight as a drum as well…..I think you get the idea.  She is digging on me super hard so I get the digits.  I can't just go home with her because I got my bro with me and I am not putting him in that awkward situation.  I know he would just sit in the living room talking to the chubster, but my sis would be wicked mad.  I don't need family drama.

So me and him slip off.  When I get home she starts blowing up my phone.  I'm so bored.  I have nothing to do.  etc….  She just dumped her boyfriend of a year and a half earlier that day.  She doesn't say too much but I get the feeling the relationship was tumultuous.  I get a little bit of a Lifetime movie vibe.

She is smoking hot, so I wanna creep on her so bad.  I'm too drunk to drive over to her place and it's just too complicated a situation.  The next night I'm going out with some new dude from the local lair.  I'm not teaching so I just go out to raise hell.  I know I'm gonna get drunk so I take a taxi to the bar.  The whole way there my cheerleader is blowing me up.  Text text text.  She agrees to meet me at 1am for a date.  I think we all know what that means.

First Date

So I hang out with the dude for a couple of hours, but that's a sidestory.  She has to go home and change after her part time job.  I'm like I am sure you look fine etc….  I hate waiting.  But it was worth it.  She is wearing the tightest black dress of all time.  You can see everything.  All the guys are scoping her when she walks in and she comes straight up to me.  I get that full LondonPaladin feeling.  Like hell ya I still got it!  You know?  21.  Smoking hot. Cheerleader.  Into me.  It's allll good.

So we have a couple of beers.  She kinda lets me know that her last boyfriend was super possessive and it was a problem.  I'm like babe I'm the opposite.  A bunch of guys she knows walk up and it's clear they are orbiters.  Instead of my usual move of Tanking them (from My Best Friends Girl – great movie) I just tell her that I gotta use the bathroom and that they seem like really nice guys.  I disappear for like 20 minutes.  Some gorilla tries to start a fight with me in the toilets but my complete disinterest overwhelms him and he walks off.

I come back and we chill a bit more and then she's like I guess it's time to go home.  She asks how I got to the bar.  I let her know I have no car and she offers to give me a ride back to mine.  Ten minutes later we are back at her place.  We end up chilling on her porch and drinking beers for three hours or something.

I never felt that sexual spark.  Usually I just know in my guts when it's time to go for it.  And I just never felt it.  it's weird.  I can tell she's attracted to me and I'm attracted to her, but the physical is just all off.  At 4am or so she tells me it's time to drive me home.  We are now in her bedroom and I tell her that I hate that moment when we get to my house and it's awkward and I'm like do I kiss her or do I not kiss her etc.  She is like I just broke up with a long term bad relationship yesterday so I'm not ready to do anything.

I'm a nice guy at heart and by now I have the feeling that things between them were physical and not in the good way.  So I'm not gonna pressure a girl who's this damaged.

We get back to mine and I start to get out of the car and she's like what?  I don't get ANYTHING?  So I go for the kiss immediately and we have a high school style kiss.

I already know at this point that all signs point to crazy and that I should never talk to her again.  You just get that feeling.  Obviously I now can't resist her.

We have plans to hang out Sunday but she sends me the friends text.  She tells me she is too damaged and needs time away from boys.  Yay!

Warning Signs

So come Friday I'm out at the bar with JohnnyC69 getting my wasted on.  I am friends with a part time model/bartender and she was hooking it up.  I know we did at least 6 or 7 free shots.  So it all got hazy.  At some point she came to meet up with us and I try to ditch Johnny.  Because I am an asshole.

But he comes back and joins us for a few minutes.  I'm hammered so my first thought is "this son of a bitch is creeping on my new toy" but really he was bored of the other girls around us.  He talks to us for ten minutes and he is like dude that girl has the lowest self esteem of all time.  You need to get out of here.  Stay away from her.  My attraction skyrockets because crazy girls know how to bring the noise in bed.

I'm so hammered that I then lose her talking to her friends.  Two underage girls start creeping on me because they think I'm with her.  It's great.  All I remember is that she left without me and when I realize it and call her she's gone home. I take a taxi home and consider my epic drinking problem.

Shutter Island

Saturday night at 1am.  8Days since first contact.

She calls me and says she's bored and wants to see me.  She says all of her friends are out of town and she is lonely.  I am sitting in my room programming so what do you think I would rather do.  Some times I just think with my little brain.

I can't really describe the course of events after I arrived.  Time lost all meaning in the vortex of insanity so I can only offer you some highlights.  And I promise you that this is at most 30% of the crazy shit she said.  It's been two weeks and I am really trying to block it all out.

She opens her mail and finds a huge bill from the hospital.  She tears it up and says 'let's see those fuckers try and get me to pay when I'm dead."

She tells me how she met a guy in the hospital with a big red mark on his neck.  He tried to hang himself.

She decided not to date him because "You shouldn't date people you meet in the asylum."

That's right all you HATERS.  I found a girl who was actually in the mental hospital.  So don't ever tell me you met a crazy girl until you meet a girl who got locked up for it!

She starts saying how she is texting with her ex again.  I instantly know she will get back together.

He is a really good guy.  He just gets super jealous because he is really insecure and doesn't realize what a great guy he is.

He is almost 30 and basically unemployed but he's just finding himself.

She isn't allowed to go out or be near any other guys because he gets really jealous.  He cheated on his last girlfriend a LOT so he knows that it's easy to cheat. 

When he goes out with his friends he turns off his phone and he yells at her.  He needs his own space and privacy.  I point out at this point that he is 100% cheating on her and she explains that no – she is too hot to be cheated on.

She concludes this story by saying that yes he hit her.  But only once.  And it was really her fault for starting it.  And he will never do it again.

At this point she goes from calling him her x to calling him her boyfriend.  That's right.  That set of stories made her want to get back with him.

She went on about how he's her first true love and she's willing to work really hard and just wishes he would work really hard too.  She also mentions that she loves to watch Lifetime movies.  I laugh and tell her she's living one.

Then things started getting really crazy.

It's all such a blur I wish I had recorded it. 

I finally wanted to leave because I was just so bored after an hour of this.  She blocked the window with her leg.  Yes.  You go in and out through the window.  And is like you can't leave me right now.  She intimates that she might kill herself if I leave.

I am really turned on be emotional blackmail.

But don't worry.  It's all getting better.

She starts telling me about the girl's she is friends with that I should meet.  Like the one who had a baby last month but put it up for adoption.  Or the girl she got kicked out of high school with.

The whole time I am texting JohnnyC69 telling him what to tell the cops when they find my body in the woods.

The highlight of the evening was at dawn.  I am still trying to leave.  So she fakes appendicitis.

I am not even joking her.  She starts screaming and telling me she has unbelievable pain in her side.  Now I'm freaked out that if I leave she might die.  I do not want that conversation with the cops.  Especially with my fingerprints on the window and shit.

So I keep googling medical stuff on my phone and telling her that it might be an STD.  Some of them have the side effect of insanity.  she says this isn't possible.  Finally the pain just goes away after 2 hours.  The longest 2 hours of my life.  And I got trapped inside a rollercoaster in Japan.   By myself.  This was worse.

She tells me that she can't wait to hang out again.  I tell her that I will never see her again.  As I'm leaving I do try to get one last kiss.  I mean come on.  I am still a little bit of a creep.  She explains that our first kiss is the only time she's ever cheated on her boyfriend and doesn't want to do it again.  She asks if we can just be friends.

Um.  I don't need friends that I fear will cut me in my sleep.  But thanks.

What I did wrong

First of all.  Her attraction was diminishing by the moment after our first encounter.  The sexual spark was there that first night and each time after that was less and less.  Why you ask?  Because this girl is bat shit crazy and wants to get back with her ex because he treats her bad.  Which is her fetish.

I needed to go home with her that first night and have that rebound sex and then never talk to her again.

I also ignored all the warning signs.  I actually screen for crazy pretty hard when I meet girls.  Then I ignore my warnings.

That first night at her house I could feel it happening.  I was thinking too much comfort

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Daygame / Daytime Dating

Written by LondonPaladin on August 5, 2010Categories: Educational, day game, daytime dating

Have you ever wanted to start dating women in the daytime? Then you're ready for the new guide from my mentor LondonSoul:

Daytime Dating

This book is awesome.  He has been writing it for over two years if you can believe it.  There has been more love and field testing put into this guide than anything I have ever seen before. Check out my first experience meeting a woman on the streets of London.  This was about two years ago and I'll try to find the old blog post later…I can't seem to locate it right now.  I can tell you it was summer 2 years ago and my hero Soul was teaching me a little daytime dating in Leicester Square.  (man I can't believe I spelled that right on the first try!)

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Abandoned by my Wings or The night I met the Girl from Juno

Written by LondonPaladin on August 11, 2010Categories: dance, wings

Friday night I went out with a ton of new guys from the lair and a few guys who hadn't been out with me in like 6 months.  I wanted to celebrate as my business has a new contract that means I am sorted for the next year at least.  All my expenses are covered and it's amazing to turn that bend as a business.

So I hit up the usual spot and I'm chatting to this bartender girl.  She's too much car for me but I like to get loose.  My favorite girl looks like a model and hooks me up like crazy, but she wasn't there!  What am I, cursed?

The bar itself was seriously lacking in talent for some reason.  It was a Breast Cancer fundraiser so I was rocking a new pink tie from Express.  I went way out of my way after all my meetings to pick it up.  And people kept asking if it was red.  What kind of world do we live in?

With zero talent to attack I convince 2 of the dudes with me to try another bar 2mins down the road.  The door girl lets me in free as usual, which is awesome.  As I am walking up to the bar I see a blond with a decent body and a brunette.  The blond makes eye contact and the game is afoot my friends!

I roll in and ask if they are in line.  That's right.  I am finally revealing my main pickup line for free.

So there I am chatting and the 2 guys I am with keep coming up and telling me things.  Like one is going to the bathroom and one is going to the front of the bar.  I am actually not sure what they are signaling.  I can tell that we aren't in sync at all. 

I grab one of the dudes and hand him off to the blond.  She had a really nice body, but I am not gonna lie.  She looks like she was rode hard and put away wet.  In the face at least.  She was really cool though.

She saw me switch from her to her friend and she was 100% cool about it all night.  I really respect that.  Because her friend looked like Juno.  Ok I only know that because they both asked me what I thought about that.

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Get a Girlfriend – We all got into this because we want to get a girlfriend

How to Attract Women : Dating Tips: Organic Seduction - A PUA Blog How to Attract Women : Dating Tips: Organic Seduction – A PUA Blog

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Get a Girlfriend – We all got into this because we want to get a girlfriend

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Should you help your EX out? Celebrity dating tips by Adam and Amanda Lyons EP1

Enjoyed this post? Then you're going to LOVE the material we've got waiting for

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 Hey Guys, If you want to see the original AFCAdam video, it is just below, i’ve obviously got a way to go before I can recreate this, if you want me to go out and try it again, then add it an opener guys :-)  Stay kool and keep gaming. Your Friendly, Neighbourhood PUA Dharam ;-)Enjoyed this post? Then you're...
Posted on July 23, 2009

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Just Be Yourself

Author: Alexander Prime
Alexander is a trainer on our US live events. View his profile at or book a one on one with him directly by emailing alexander

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How To Pick The Perfect Venue

Author: Alexander Prime
Alexander is a trainer on our US live events. View his profile at or book a one on one with him directly by emailing alexander

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Using Qualification To Find Your Perfect Girl

Author: Alexander Prime
Alexander is a trainer on our US live events. View his profile at or book a one on one with him directly by emailing alexander

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A Great Technique For Approaching Women

Author: admin
Admin is a trainer on our live events, you can see their profile, and book a 1on1 with them or by emailing them. Admin welcomes your comments on this post.

Enjoyed this post? Then you're going to LOVE the material we've got waiting for

If you enjoyed that, you might also like...NEW: Negative Attraction Video by Gambler

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3 Positions That Guarantee Her Enjoyment

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4 Reasons Why Women Reject Men

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fallacy Of Being Unreactive

Let’s take a look at one of the basic concepts of game - UNREACTIVITY.

The concept of ‘being unreactive’ is, for the large part, both largely misunderstood and misused in the dating and seduction community.

Prevailing Notions of 'Unreactivity'

Many believe that ‘unreactivity’ is the best response to all stimulus’ and ‘tests’ from beautiful women.

To some degree, this is correct. If you don’t know what to do or how to react then unreactivity is a good default response.

However, this advice taken wrongly can turn an otherwise pleasant ‘Joe Bloggs’ into a watered down, no guns or explosives, version of James Bond .

When I first got into learning about seduction, pick up and dating, one of the things that I read was that the key to attraction and general ‘coolness’ was to be unreactive. When I read this, I thought to myself – ‘Do I really have to be an unreactive, arrogant, dismissive, aloof alpha male in order to be good with girls?’

I struggled with this question for a long time. I’m hooking up with hot girls now regularly now and can tell you how it is exactly.

You don’t need to be an asshole or completely unreactive to get the hottest girls.

That being said, there is an advanced way to use 'jerk game' this to get SNLs through massive takeaways and drama - but this isn't part of this article and is not necessary to get attraction .

In fact, it is counterproductive to your life as a whole because it tends to make other people dislike you too (including guys that you could be aligning with). In general, being a dominant, unreactive alpha male is not necessary (this is yet another myth of the dating community - click here for more information on how to be a REAL alpha male ).

Consequently, while the principle of unreactiveness is useful, it requires a lot more finesse.

Not every successful seducer needs to be like James Bond - in fact, there are far more successful personality blueprints for a ‘ladies’ man’ than Mr Bond. Think about it – in your own lives, do you know a guy who is fun, funny, not an asshole and gets laid a lot? Does that person remind you of the supremely unreactive 007 ? No.

'Being Unreactive' as a Basic Principle

As a basic principle and for beginners to intermediate, 'Being Unreactive' is a useful principle to apply as a blanket rule.

You usually only have a split second to respond to something a girl says.

There is a pause between the stimulus and response. Within this ‘pause’, as a basic principle, if you are not sure how to respond to the stimulus (e.g. one of her ‘tests’), then it is indeed optimal to be unreactive. This is particularly important during the early part of an interaction – during the opening , transition and early attraction phases.

Being unreactive should certainly be the default in the case of ‘tests’ where you don’t know what to do in response to something she says or does. Why? Because although you do not offensively reframe, by not reacting, you do not accept a frame which is disadvantageous to you. A good friend of mine and respected ladies man, Sebastian Drake, said that one of the best responses when you don’t know what to do is to simply shrug. Good advice. Shrugging indicates a non reactive frame.

As a newbie, it may be useful to try to be completely unreactive for a while. For guys new to the game , or with very little success with women, the “unreactive” mindset is an excellent frame to have. You can generate a lot of attraction from setting such a frame.

But if we are talking “10 Game” i.e. how to pick up the hottest girls, there is a lot more to being completely unreactive.

This about it - does the rule of being ‘unreactive’ mean that you can’t laugh at her jokes, or empathise with her? I think not. If you have ever seen a magical Braddock set, where he has the girls in his grasp – laughing, grabbing him, trying to get his attention etc - you will see that the interaction is fun and free flowing – and both parties are reacting to each other a lot. Braddock isn’t James Bond , but I’d bet my bottom dollar that he gets more girls than 007 . And he isn’t the only example. Plenty of other instructors react to girls, and while they are not being classically unreactive, they are still able to generate quantum amounts of Attraction .


The truth is that in many circumstances, it isn’t optimal to be unreactive. People are reactive to one another – it is called ‘communication’. Communication is inherently a reactive process. She makes a joke, you respond by laughing. She says something, you relate to it. These processes are inherently reactive. Moreover, as the interaction continues into the Qualification and Comfort stages, you will need to introduce even more reactivity as you connect with her on an emotional level (for more on Qualification and developing an emotional connection, see article here).

So the big question is… how can you be reactive and build attraction ?

Being Reactive – The Good Way

Take the following example as where reactivity can trump unreactivity…


Her: OMG you’re such a jerk (smiling)

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Sorry I'm Late Opener

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10 Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably Make In Bed

Even the best lovers are often guilty of mistakes in the bedroom… often WITHOUT ever knowing it.

It’s just a fact of life.

But... that doesn’t mean that YOU have to be!

In this revealing report you’ll discover the most common mistakes men make in bed… and… what to do INSTEAD to drive your woman WILD with pleasure. Avoid these 10 mistakes and you’ll have better sex the very NEXT time you make love…

Mistake 1. Thinking She is Climaxing When She Isn't

You may think that your lover is having “multiples” (or even ONE you-know-what) when she is not. She may make a bunch of noises and even TELL YOU it’s happening. But is she really?

Grab a Cosmopolitan sometime and look at how many articles and comments on “faking it”. I’m not saying that YOUR GIRL is faking it EVERY TIME but… chances are there have been a few episodes of love making where she was CRAVING something other than what you were doing.

When this happens women just want it to be over and encourage you to finish. It doesn’t mean you are awful in bed; just that being a mind-blowing lover EVERY TIME takes some specialized knowledge.

If you are giving your girl the “Big O” (and absolutely 100% sure of it) then congratulations! You’re one of the few guys who is ACTUALLY pleasing a woman REALLY WELL. But if you’re not, it is crucial that you learn how…

Mistake #2) Not Giving Her a Variety of Sexual Experiences

A lot of guys who are new to lovemaking – or are used to doing it with the same woman – tend to forget that women want different KINDS of sensual EXPERIENCES.

You might think that changing positions a few times and varying the speed of your thrusting IS a mixing it up. But it is not.

Women thrive on emotions. Sometimes they want to be taken, sometimes they want it hard, and sometimes they want to make love.

If you are NOT talking during lovemaking and creating a strong emotional experience for her, she CAN’T be totally fulfilled. Women want and NEED strong emotional experiences in bed.

Let’s look at an example.

Women love bad boys because of the emotions that a bad boy inspires in them.

This is why that when a women cheats, it is often with a “bad boy.”

However, you don’t need to be bad boy to create bad boy emotions within her in the bedroom. Just be a bad boy yourself by giving her a light spanking, talking dirty, and giving it to her good!

Women also love very suave, romantic types. Think of the cheesy paperback romance novels they read with Fabio on the cover. This is not a myth… women REALLY read this stuff!

Now, I’m not saying you should grow long hair, huge man boobs, and start riding a horse… but what you can do is mix up your lovemaking with some romantic sessions in which you are telling your girl how beautiful she is to you and how much you love her.

Get it?

The skinny is this:

You NEED to give your lover a variety of sexual experiences… and YOU are capable of giving her each kind… but you have to mix it up!

Mistake #3) Forgetting To Be A MAN

Ask any 100 women off of the street and 99 of them will tell you that they want a man that TAKES CONTROL.

That's right, we want YOU to call the shots!

As long as you are respectful, your girl DOES want you to take control in the bedroom, to flip her around and switch positions without asking, and to do what YOU want!

Women are programmed to respond to strong, authoritative, confident men. It signifies that you are a protector, a leader, and a suitable mate.

Sure, it’s ok to ask her if she is enjoying something… but keep it simple. Save the talk about actual positions she liked for AFTER you are done.

Now don’t get me wrong – you are not making her a slave here, but rather leading with authority and masculine strength.

Once you start doing this you will be able to do many things with her in the bedroom that she earlier would not do. Many guys often think a woman is just uptight if she doesn’t want to do something… when in reality she just needs you to be a man and guide her with strength and confidence. You’ll be amazed at just how powerfully she responds!

Mistake #4) Thinking Sex Isn't That Important To Her

If you want to know how much women LOVE sex… just think about how loudly we scream during lovemaking! You won’t ever hear a guy screaming like that!

You might THINK that your drive is much higher than your woman’s because YOU are usually the one initiating sex with her. But…

As hard as it is to accept, recognize that if your girl doesn’t want to make love, it is NOT always because she doesn’t want to.

Unfortunately, it’s probably because you just aren’t getting her off.

Fortunately this is an easy fix, and in a moment we’ll talk about how to do it…

Mistake #5) Being Silent/Emotionless in Bed

You may think that it is “cheesy” or “creepy” to talk romantically in bed. (you may think its weird to talk at all in bed) However, women HATE silent, mechanical lovemaking.


I’ll say it again: We women THRIVE on emotion.

Dirty talk or romantic talk are EXCELLENT ways to give your girl STRONG EMOTIONS in bed. And strong emotions

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Inverted Seduction Principle

This is an absolutely key principle for success in Game. The caveat is that it is an advanced principle - without having spent time in the field, you may not appreciate its power. I have found that the which I describe below (which is related to the NLP 'Go First' principle) has universal application for ALL people that I interact with - not just beautiful women - but also high value men, 'value connectors' (see article here, for information on 'connectors') and even friends and family.


This principle goes against some traditional game theory, but is extremely powerful. You do not consciously 'microcalibrate' when using the . Nor do you plan what you are saying or try to figure out your value relative to her value. Instead, you feel, and let your subcommunications do the rest.

When talking to beautiful women, your aim is to bring her to an emotional state whereby she has feelings of attraction, emotional connection and sexual desire for you.

Now, USING TRADITIONAL GAME THEORY, in order to do this, you should: tell her DHV stories, get social proof, throw negs, tease her, banter, use IVDs, role plays, qualification hoops, stories etc etc etc. I don't know about you, but my brain has difficulty in handling all of that at once. It is proven that the conscious mind can only have one conscious thought at any one time... and you have to think about all of these things at once for her to become attracted? Was God really that cruel!?

To add to this, when and if you TRY to think about all these things that you need to do, typically the following happens:

1.You get nervous
2.Your mind freezes
3.You worry about what to say next
4.You wonder if what you are saying is working
5.You get anxiety (even if just a little bit)
6.You get uncomfortable
7.She picks up on the anxiety and discomfort
8.You get blown our OR the set goes to nowhere OR the attraction just isn't enough to close


Think about it this way - do naturals scramble their brains and frantically try to think of what to say next? Hell no. What do they do? They feel. And act.

To understand how they do this and get results, let's go briefly into the biological science of what happens in your body (and hers) when you are interacting with a woman. I think that this will enable you to see the important implications of the discovery that Braddock and I made...

Mirror Neurons

Braddock, the mad scientist of game that he is, recently introduced me to the concept of ‘mirror neurons’. The scientific discovery of mirror neurons is considered to be one of the most important findings of neuroscience in the last decade (see:

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Wear That Opener

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How Your Girl Acts When You're Amazing In Bed

I've talked to thousands of women about their sex lives and I have seen it all - the great, the mediocre, and unfortunately the most common... the unfulfilled and unsatisfied.

But the most surprising thing is that most guys are completely unaware of how they stack up in the bedroom.

So how big of a deal is it anyway?

And how do you know where you stack up?

Let me tell you something....

it is a HUGE deal!

Women crave sex FAR more than men. If you don't believe me, then you are not giving her good sex. PERIOD.

The difference is that women only want GOOD sex.

As a guy, you can have pretty mediocre sex and still finish. And even if the sex is phenomenal, most of the time you are still only going to finish once.

Women on the other hand, usually don't finish AT ALL from mediocre sex.

And no matter how "close" she tells you she was, or how good she tells you it was, if she's not "getting there", she is disappointed.

And if it happens regularly we actually start to resent it, and even start to resent you for not learning how to do it right.

But from GREAT sex a woman can easily finish 3, 5, or even 10 times. The difference between amazing and just OK sex is not nearly as significant for guys as it is for girls.

And here's something else you should know:

Guys that can give us AMAZING sex are few and far between.

So if YOU are the guy giving a woman amazing sex, it changes EVERYTHING about how she'll feel about you and how she treats you.

In fact, guys who I have coached into bedroom rock stars often describe it as "eye-opening" and even "life-changing."

There are a lot of signs - both in and out of the bedroom - that you are NOT satisfying your woman. Here's just a few signs your girl is not satified...

Signs IN the Bedroom

• Your girl doesn't always come, and often doesn't finish during intercourse

• You frequently have to initiate the sex

• She is reluctant to go down on you, to have sex in certain positions, to try anything adventurous

Signs OUTSIDE of the Bedroom

• You feel like you have to "earn" sex, by taking her out or buying her things, or by being on your "best" behavior.

• You think your girl just doesn't like sex as much as you do. She has to be in the right mood and not tired or stressed from work.

• She nags you about household responsibilities, how you dress, how you act

• You and your girl aren't having as much sex as you used to, and not as much as you would like to

If these sound like you, you aren't alone.


How Does Your Girl Act When You Are Giving Her Amazing Sex?

Make no mistake about it, once you start giving your girl amazing sex, everything, and I do mean everything about the relationship changes.

Inside the Bedroom

•She wants to have sex more often than you do

•She is eager to please you, enthusiastic to go down on you and try anything you suggest

•She regularly comes from intercourse and finishes multiple times

Outside the Bedroom

•All nagging will end almost immediately

•She buys you gifts, pays for dinners, is eager to please

•She is eager to do you favors

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with buying that special lady a present now and then, and you certainly should

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Comprehensive Guide To Attraction

The question that I hear most frequently from students on bootcamp who want to better themselves with women is: ‘how do I get a woman attracted to me?'. I have decided to write an entire book on Attraction which should be released in a few months. For now, this comprehensive article should help in answering this question.

My Background In Attraction

I used to have massive problems with attraction.

If you have read my bio, you’ll know that I had my first kiss at 20 (almost 21 years old), despite trying for at least 5 years to get a girlfriend. I never wanted to be a ‘pick up artist’ (and I still don't consider myself as one of those weird group of guys). I just wanted to get better with women and understand why I was so terrible with them. Now, I rank amongst the top men in the world in terms of ability with women. Learning to generate attraction was a big part of this.

How I Learned Attraction

The way that I learned how to create attraction or be attractive was by 'small chunking' attraction routines, attraction techniques and the principles of attraction into my interactions with women. So yes, I did use attraction routines, but only as training wheels. After a while, I started to be able to generate powerful attraction using these techniques and routines. Over time, I was able to develop attraction in women quite consistently. I subsequently developed a conceptual, rather than rote, understanding of Attraction , which soon evolved into an identity based attractiveness. I.e. I got the knowledge, I implemented the actions and then I simply became an attractive person as I repetitively tried to generate attraction in women... or as we say in the new Inner Game Seminar - KNOW, DO, BE.

Attraction Basics

As o David DeAngelo says, 'Attraction isn’t a choice'.

A woman's 'reptilian brain', rather than her logical brain, makes the decision of whether or not she is attracted to you. The reptilian brain bases its decisions on VALUE. VALUE is based on SURVIVAL, REPLICATION AND GOOD EMOTIONS. For those of you who have read Magic Bullets , you will be aware that the key qualities which display survival, replication and good emotions are:

•Social Intuition
•Pre selected

All of these qualities demonstrate high value and are triggers of attraction . If you can convey that you are a man who possesses these qualities, attraction should follow. Why? Because it is this value that speaks to a woman's reptilian brain i.e. the part of her mind which generates attraction.

Sinn 's post on the basic attraction triggers is also a good read for background understanding on Attraction. See: Sinn's attraction switches.

The Different Types of Attraction

There are generally 5 types of attraction. Full credit to The Don for introducing me to the basic concept of the different types of attraction. I have expanded upon his 2 categories of Intrigue and Buying Temperature based attraction below, creating further sub categories to aid understanding.

1. Buying Temperature

a. Definition: Her state is increased by being around you
b. Done by: Teasing, humor, role plays, cocky funny, misinterpretation, games, kino escalation and dominance, Braddock style funny disqualification etc
c. Emphasis on: Humor (particularly push pull), pre-selection, dominance
d. Characteristically: You don’t have to talk about yourself at all – the focus is on fun
e. Drawbacks: This type of attraction is transferable and can be easily lost if you lose momentum. You can also become a dancing monkey or come across as reaction seeking

2. Intrigue

a. Definition: She is intrigued by talking to you – you have an uncanny understanding of her and other people around her
b. Done by: Cold reading, IVDs (Interactive Value Demonstrations), storytelling
c. Emphasis on: Social Intuition and showing dominance over her world
d. Characteristically: You talk about her, others and your unique experiences. The focus is on intriguing her.
e. Drawbacks: Can feel contrived as it relies on cold reads , palm reads and often constructed methods of impressing a woman etc. It is often not appropriate or practical in many high energy situations

3. Value Based Attraction

a. Definition: She wants to get to know you and be around you because you are high value in her eyes. You are a guy that she could potentially sleep with and even have a relationship with
b. Done by: Framing, social proof, storytelling, disqualification, leading, negs, sexual hoops, innuendo
c. Emphasis on: Health, leader of men, wealth, pre-selection, challenging, confidence
d. Characteristically: you talk about yourself
e. Drawbacks: This causes sexual receptiveness, but seldom causes sexual aggressiveness from the woman. Does not work as immediately as something like buying temperature attraction. This is because it can take time to create high value frames

4. ‘Warm and Fuzzy’ attraction

a. Definition: She sees you as an authentic and real person with integrity and a well rounded personality
b. Done by: Storytelling about family, friends, your childhood and vulnerabilities. The infamous 'holes in jeans' routine is a good example of this (holes in jeans routine can be found in the Routines Manual )
c. Emphasis on: Protector of loved ones, willingness to emote, moving life stories
d. Characteristically: You talk about yourself, your family and your experiences
e. Drawbacks: Too much of this and you can become boring or one dimensional

5. Emotional Connection/Qualification (The bridge between Attraction and Qualification and Comfort)

a. Definition: She feels that you are on the same wavelength as her. This actually amplifies existing attraction. What I am trying to describe here is the overlap between Qualification and Attraction. Emotional Connection/Qualification is vital as it helps to normalize the conversation with the girl and consequently SOLIDIFY or CRYSTALLIZE attraction. Attraction can typically be lost very easily. However, if you have qualified her, then Attraction will 'solidify' or 'crystallize'. Too many guys forget that they need to normalize the conversation and end up wondering why an interaction peters out after they are done with their cocky/funny personality/material. You will rarely ever be able to seduce a girl without having some form of normal conversation with her at some point. Note, however, that building an Emotional Connection is ideally done after you have already established other forms of attraction such as Buying Temperature and High Value
b. Done by: Normalization of conversation, finding topics of common interest and starting to talk more deeply about those topics and finding qualities about her that interest you
c. Emphasis on: Social intuition, genuinely connecting, qualification
d. Characteristically: You and her exchange thoughts about your commonalities and you validate her about qualities that she possesses that are important to you (note that there is overlap here with the qualification and comfort stages of the Emotional Progression Model). On a more advanced level, it can include rewarding any compliance with verbal or physical feedback
e. Drawbacks: If you do too much 'emotional connecting' without demonstrating buying temperature, intrigue, value based attraction etc, you may fall into the ‘let’s just be friends’ zone, unless she is already attracted to you based on your looks, social status, social proof etc

Note that The Don and Braddock teach that there are only two categories - Intrigue and Buying Temperature. The above list is a slightly expanded method of classification. However, using their model, Value Based Attraction, 'Warm and Fuzzy' Attraction and Emotional Connection/Qualification Attraction would belong in the category of Intrigue based Attraction. The Don 's / Braddock 's definitions may in fact be more useful to use in-field as it is easier to use quickly.

Practical Applications

Focusing on one type of attraction leads to different results. Ideally, you would employ a combination of all types, but this is not necessary all the time.

For example, let's say that all you are doing is creating Buying Temperature attraction by being cocky and funny. The positive aspect of this is that it may lead to a SNL (especially if you have decent physical escalation). However, the disadvantage is that if for some reason you have to leave her, she may very well hook up with someone else as Buying Temperature Attraction is transferable. Other types of Attraction have similar drawbacks. For example, if all you are doing is creating an emotional connection, there is the danger of “going into the friend zone”. There are other drawbacks, but I can't cover them all here.

Another implication is that if you are having difficulty hooking a set using a particular type of attraction, you can try building another type of attraction with the girl. For example, if the girl is not responding to Buying Temperature, you can try using some 'Warm and Fuzzy' Attraction techniques to get her to open up.

OK - enough with the theory. Let's have a look at some of the techniques that are immediately usable to create attraction.

Powerful Techniques That Can Be Used To Generate Attraction

Below, I cover around seven powerful techniques that can be used to generate attraction. Often, these techniques occur naturally in normal conversation and generate attraction and fun. However, they can be consciously used so that attraction can be consciously generated.

Many more advanced techniques are covered on my bootcamps .

1. Teasing
This is simply making fun of the girl in a humorous way based off what she says, what she does or her appearance. Yes, you can see teasing as a way to change your value relative to her value to create attraction, but I prefer to think of it as a fun way to create a good vibe between the two of you.

Teasing comes a lot from practice. In particular listen very carefully to what the girl is saying or carefully observe her mannerisms and base your teases off what you hear/see. The 'Trigger Words' exercise Braddock and I teach at our bootcamps is a great exercise to learn teasing .

However, learning teasing can also be done by learning some generic teases and putting them into practice straight away. Here are some good ones:

• She acts slightly childish (also can be used in any other occasion when you want to make fun of her):
“Wow you’re like a little kid, I’m gonna give you some crayons and a little helmet and put you in the corner so you can draw some pictures” or “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
• She says something feisty/challenging:
“Where is your off button?”

“That’s cool. I mean like… sure. I thought you were a nice girl but that’s no way to talk about a guy whose parents just died last night.”

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The 9 Types Of Orgasms And How To Give Them To Her

Poor Recent Search Phrases To This Page:how to give my woman a squirting orgasm2 girls teach orgasmsquirting orgasm9 types of orgasms Related Articles:Last Longer In BedTry New Things In BedOrgasm TypesHow Girls Acts When You Amazing In BedTriple Play Sex TechniqueDangerous Mistakes In BedMake Sex Drive StrongerSex Positions That Guarantee OrgasmsMasterful LoverBedroom Powerful ToolRemote Control EggDeep SpotLast LongerKissing InstructionsBetter Semen TasteSexual Massage TechniqueOral OrgasmIncrease Testosterone NaturallyBest Sexual IntercourseGive Her PleasureMore Sex More OftenSexual Position MistakesBest Sex SkillThree Sexual KeysTwo Sexy Films

Sasha's PodcastAlan Roger Currie Direct Game Inner GameWomen PsychologyFear & AnxietyMindsets Beliefs & AttitudesIdentity & CharacterConcepts & PerspectivesOuter GameBody Language & FlirtingApproachingBuilding AttractionBuilding ComfortEscalationClosingLast Minute ResistanceWingingDatingRelationshipBetter LoverStyle And Adjustments PUA Routines Transitioning & StructureOpenersStory TellingAttractionComfortDealing With ObstaclesClosingGimmicks, Games And Tests Seduction Settings Night GameDay GamePhone GameOnline DatingTypes Of WomenSpecial Occasions PUA Fitness Health Pick Up Artists Adam Lyons Badboy Brad P Cajun Carlos Xuma Cortez Dahunter David M David Shade David Wygant Derek Vitalio Derek Lamont Giuseppe Notte Gunwitch Harmless IN10SE Jlaix Jeremy Soul John Alexander John Barban Maniac High Magnus Maddash Michael W Mr M Mystery Neil Strauss Organic Razorjack Robert Greene Rokker Ross Jeffries Sasha Savoy Sean Newman Sebastian Drake Simon Heong Sinn Swinggcat Tenmagnet Thundercat Toecutter Tyler Durden Unknown Wayne Elise Wilder Field Reports Lay Reports Adam Lyons Video Training Double Your DatingMasterful Lover Blog Roll Disclaimer

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Pick Up In Europe

. So be careful with your teasing in the Nordics!

In summary, teasing is an extremely important attraction trigger and you should use it, but escalate the teasing slowly and be careful with the delivery when using the technique in the Nordics.

European Girls and their Natural Confidence to Escalate

A huge difference between European and Western women is that European women seldom have the natural confidence that American women have. Consequently, European girls are not usually as straightforward or confident as Americans. For example, while an American girl at a certain point would escalate and show heavy indications of interest in order to go for what she wants, a Nordic girl would be a lot more discreet about her desire and not show it. The lesson here? You need to expect to be the one escalating all the time, even in the face of indications of disinterest. This is a crucial aspect of seduction in the Nordics - as much as a girl would love to escalate, she just won’t do it, but she will be waiting / expecting for you to do it (despite not giving off any obvious signals that she wants it)!

Some guys give up before they reach the point and leave thinking that the girl is not attracted. It can be quite difficult psychologically to plough through a set when it appears for a long time that the girl is not interested. This is why your inner confidence and mindset is so important when picking up beautiful women in the Nordics.

Note that you may also have to put in additional effort while in qualification. Initially you will probably get very short answers (like one word answers) and it can take a while before she opens up to you and really tells you what she is good at, what she loves doing, etc.


Finally, American girls’ views on relationships, education and life are slightly different from European girls. American girls seem to be fussier about certain standards relating to the guys that they date when it comes to age, education and relative wealth. We have not noticed this as much in the Nordic countries. Women tend to be less money conscious. This can be explained by statistics that show that Nordic societies have much less inequality than in the USA – the gap between the rich and poor is smaller and everyone is entitled to free education which includes higher education.

I'm the lead Love Systems instructor for UK and Europe. Listen to my audio interview series:

Vol. 17 The Right Way To Learn Game Vol. 25 How To Be An Alpha Male Vol. 27 Sticking Points Vol. 28 High-End Club Game Vol. 31 9 and 10 Game Vol. 37 Issues In Qualification Vol. 47 Overcoming Physical Obstacles

Also check out my book The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game as well as Love Systems Magic Bullets, the Routines Manual, and Routines Manual 2.

Mr. M

Download FREE Pick Up Artist eBooks!!!

Just enter your email address, then click the "Free Instant Access!" button to download free Facebook Pickup Method ebook (by Derek Lamont), free chapters of The Attraction Code (By Vin DiCarlo), Magic Bullets (By Savoy), and exclusive techiniques interview with Juggler.!


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Quick Definition: Telling the best representation of events to tailor to a specific audience. AKA leveraging the truth.

Full Definition:

Meeting someone first time is like an interview. While you want to be honest, it is important to respect the person and not be brutally honest. Some topics should not be discussed on the first date. For example, personal illnesses or if you have kids (unless the topic comes up). is the art of telling the truth, but seeing things from different perspectives other than your own reality. Comics are expert spinners.

When a PUA DHVs or tells a story he is doing it in a way that highlights his accomplishments and good qualities, and this is a good thing.

A downfall of too much is unrealistic exaggeration, and although this may look good temporarily, the truth comes through over time. Most importantly, learning game requires a truthfulness to yourself about your own skill levels and your improvement.

Dave Chapelle as Black Bush the media:


There’s nothing wrong with the events a little so be sensitive to the girls you are dating.

Related Terms: Emotional Leverage, Inner Game, Congruence, Opening, DHV, Grounding Story, Storytelling

Grow Your Game:

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Free video from the PUA Training Vault.

How To Give Women Orgasms
Free sex videos for men from the Sex God Method.

The Best PUA Routines
Learn the best pickup routines out there from the Love Systems Routines Manual.

Dramatically Improve Your Style
Learn how to attract women with your clothing with Brad P's Fashion Bible.

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ABCs of Attraction

Quick Definition:

Both the company as well as the structure/method founded by JT “the Asian Playboy” Tran

Full Definition:

The structure itself is a simple ABCDEF acronym that encompasses all three major aspects of Game, namely: Inner Strength, Physical Confidence, and Verbal Attraction. The company is known for specializing in helping (but not exclusively) Asian men.

Credit JT “the Asian Playboy” Tran


Grow Your Game: Approach Any Woman
With ZERO Chance Of Rejection!

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Body Language Positiong

Quick Definition: Invented by JT “the Asian Playboy” Tran, BLP is a more advanced form of Body Language Tactics.

Full Definition:

Body Language Positioning incorporates the science of proxemics, situational awareness, masculine dominance, kinesthetics, compliance testing, proper male & female flirting behavior and natural intuition into a highly advanced form of Body Language that eliminates the need for Group Method or entertaining the crowd or friends. While not much has been written about in public open sources, here is a video of APB guest speaking at Mystery and Matador’s Venusian Arts Superconference:

JT on Body Language Positioning


n/a – concept

Related Terms: Alpha, Body Language, Subcommunication, Takeaway, Body-rocking, Presence

Grow Your Game: --

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Fatty (Tuna)

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Arbitrary Value

Shut up and Lead (SUAL)Top PUA TermsAnti-Slut Defense (ASD)Female Pick Up Artist (FPUA)Indicator of Interest (IOI)Single/Same Night Lay (SNL)Alpha Male of Group (AMOG)Last Minute Resistance (LMR)Let's Just Be Friends (LJBF)Approach Anxiety (AA)Kino EscalationLatest CommentsScope on Escaping The 'Friend Zone'Sgt. Paul on Sgt. Paul on Lesbian Finger RoutineFlirt Body Language on Body Language (BL)alphawolf on Opinion OpenerFrom our blogHistoryof the Seduction Community
Using PUA Lingo to up your game
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More posts from our PUA BlogCommon TermsBitch Shield (BS)ChodeCold ApproachDemonstration of High Value (DHV)NeggingOneitisPick Up Artist (PUA)SargingSeduction CommunityShit TestSocial ProofStripper GameInternet JargonOur Favorite Niche Seduction Product

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Arbitrary ValueShut up and Lead (SUAL)Top PUA TermsAnti-Slut Defense (ASD)Female Pick Up Artist (FPUA)Indicator of Interest (IOI)Single/Same Night Lay (SNL)Alpha Male of Group (AMOG)Last Minute Resistance (LMR)Let's Just Be Friends (LJBF)Approach Anxiety (AA)Kino EscalationLatest CommentsScope on Escaping The 'Friend Zone'Sgt. Paul on Arbitrary ValueSgt. Paul on Lesbian Finger RoutineFlirt Body Language on Body Language (BL)alphawolf on Opinion OpenerFrom our blogHistoryof the Seduction Community
Using PUA Lingo to up your game
How much jargon is too much jargon?
More posts from our PUA BlogCommon TermsBitch Shield (BS)ChodeCold ApproachDemonstration of High Value (DHV)NeggingOneitisPick Up Artist (PUA)SargingSeduction CommunityShit TestSocial ProofStripper GameInternet JargonOur Favorite Niche Seduction Product

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DIS Method

Re-OpeningArbitrary ValueShut up and Lead (SUAL)Top PUA TermsAnti-Slut Defense (ASD)Female Pick Up Artist (FPUA)Indicator of Interest (IOI)Single/Same Night Lay (SNL)Alpha Male of Group (AMOG)Last Minute Resistance (LMR)Let's Just Be Friends (LJBF)Approach Anxiety (AA)Kino EscalationLatest CommentsScope on Escaping The 'Friend Zone'Sgt. Paul on Arbitrary ValueSgt. Paul on Lesbian Finger RoutineFlirt Body Language on Body Language (BL)alphawolf on Opinion OpenerFrom our blogHistoryof the Seduction Community
Using PUA Lingo to up your game
How much jargon is too much jargon?
More posts from our PUA BlogCommon TermsBitch Shield (BS)ChodeCold ApproachDemonstration of High Value (DHV)NeggingOneitisPick Up Artist (PUA)SargingSeduction CommunityShit TestSocial ProofStripper GameInternet JargonOur Favorite Niche Seduction Product

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Residential Training

DIS MethodRe-OpeningArbitrary ValueShut up and Lead (SUAL)Top PUA TermsAnti-Slut Defense (ASD)Female Pick Up Artist (FPUA)Indicator of Interest (IOI)Single/Same Night Lay (SNL)Alpha Male of Group (AMOG)Last Minute Resistance (LMR)Let's Just Be Friends (LJBF)Approach Anxiety (AA)Kino EscalationLatest CommentsScope on Escaping The 'Friend Zone'Sgt. Paul on Arbitrary ValueSgt. Paul on Lesbian Finger RoutineFlirt Body Language on Body Language (BL)alphawolf on Opinion OpenerFrom our blogHistoryof the Seduction Community
Using PUA Lingo to up your game
How much jargon is too much jargon?
More posts from our PUA BlogCommon TermsBitch Shield (BS)ChodeCold ApproachDemonstration of High Value (DHV)NeggingOneitisPick Up Artist (PUA)SargingSeduction CommunityShit TestSocial ProofStripper GameInternet JargonOur Favorite Niche Seduction Product

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You Can’t Control an Interaction 100%

Guest Post by David Black

It’s amazing how our brains want to go into overdrive and think of every little thing that may go wrong in an interaction with women.

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